Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Indeed, it feels like home here.

This evening, whilst downloading some stuff from off the camera, (a recent Sartorialist-like photography spree for our Ubyssey stint), I uncovered the following pictures... Oh and I just got off the phone with Dani, who reminded me that we had already written a bit on Benny's, buuut, seeing as thought it's ONLY the best coffee shop this side of Vancouver, another post can't hurt...
So, picture the two of us, on a late Tuesday night after a hellishly long Psych class, sitting at a solitary table on the staircase landing. We're sipping some delicious tea that smells like flowers, and we've covered the table in our journals and artist pens and pencils. And then we write and draw to the sounds of...whatever's coming up next on the barista's iPod. There is no better way to spend a weeknight.


Laura said...

I read that as Dani having written a bit on "Benny's Butt"

And I giggled.

Cute pictures :)

khdz said...

hahaha.. why thank you!
Laura, it's actually quite comforting in a way, knowing we have at least one constant reader :)
oh and PS... I tried your Gender Genie link, and it said I was a male too...which I find interesting, seeing as though I pasted in an excerpt from my Sense and Sensibility paper, AND a blog post gushing about some sort of clothing item...