Wednesday, November 18, 2009

this was just a typical fall day.

This picture is a result of a spontaneous photo shoot around the upscale neighbourhood of Kerrisdale with the extremely talented Andrew Holliday.
Before you criticize the jeans + converse + tee, let me remind you that a) this was SPONTANEOUS and b) sometimes comfyness takes precedence over avant-garde fashion. (although, ideal situation: the two co-exist.)
Dani, on the other hand, looks amazing in her Urban Outfitters hand warmers, envy-educing shoes (I am absolutely terrible at remembering names, are they Jeffery Campbell or Dolce Vita? gahh) and a Banana Republic cashmere cardigan. the rest of the photoshoot coming a fashion blog near YOU.

Edit: yup, dolce vita shoes. i wish i owned jeffrey campbell.

1 comment:

The Queen of Hearts said...

I love fall. It is definitely my favorite season. I love wearing denim, leather riding boots and leather jackets because there's that chill in the air.